Why Longhaul?
Long: adj.; Far reaching
Haul: v.; To move or carry
To "longhaul" fundamentally means taking action over a long period of time that has a far reaching result. The farm is our vehicle for direct action in the world. It represents a way of living we are dedicated to and our belief that small individual actions can produce great change over time.
2. The clearest measure of the true value of any work is its permanence, particularly within the context of sustainable agriculture and permaculture. We want to build a farm in harmony with its surrounding environment to the degree that it can support itself permanently. The genius and balance of Nature is the standard here: valuing patience over the immediate result; embracing a rhythm and scale more in tune with the natural world than the world of industry; and expanding our time horizon beyond the individual life to the life of following generations.
3. "The Long Haul" is the title of the auto-biography of Myles Horton, founder of the Highlander Folk School that taught the leaders of the early labor and civil-rights movements. He believed that any social cause that could be achieved in the course of an individual life time was not big enough; you have to be in it for the long haul. We see the farm growing into a place that can provide a forum for education and action on issues of social justice and actions that can help contribute to broad social and cultural transformation.
4. There's a whole lot of work to do on this planet.
And we’re in it for the longhaul.